Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another story on the future of newspapers (and the death of reporting)

This time it's coming to the defense of, not newspapers, but of the reporting traditionally done by newspapers.

Check out the subheads, too. More fodder for your mid-term exam responses on March 11.

Also, I've added my audio (edited by Matt Stephens) on the side of this blog page. Listen well.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Class Schedule through March 25

Here it is, from the end of Week 5 through Week 9 this semester

Wednesday, Feb. 18
Class: "News War, Part III" video and discussion completed
"The Morgue: A reporter's elegy for his dying paper" by Joe Mathews about the Los Angeles Times
"The Scoop Factory: Inside Politico and the brave new world of post-print journalism" from The New Republic
"Battle Plans for Newspapers" from The New York Times
Lab: View and discuss Audio Project; embed audio edited by partner in your page

Reporting and Writing for Online Media
Monday, Feb. 23

Class: "Generating and Focusing Story Ideas"
Lab: Begin generating ideas for Reporting Assignment (See Ram CT for assignment details)

Readings for Class: Chapters 4 and 6 of Briggs
"Distinction Between Bloggers, Journalists Blurring More Than Ever"
by Mark Glaser in MediaShift Arrange carpools for Wednesday's road trip

Wednesday, Feb. 25
Class: Road Trip to Fort Collins Coloradoan, 1300 Riverside Avenue, to discuss the role that multi-media reporting plays in the modern newsroom
Meet in the lobby of the Coloradoan

Monday, March 2
Class: "Web Resources and Databases"Readings for Class: "Wikipedia in the Newsroom" and "Citing Wikipedia" by Donna Shaw, AJR
"Open-Source Journalism: It's a Lot Tougher than You Think"
by Anna Haynes,

"Give Each Blog Post a Pretty Face" by Chris Brogan about using Flickr's Creative Commons to find photos

Lab: Finalize story ideas and assignments (includes traditional Web writing,audio storytelling and complementary photography)

Wednesday, March 4
Class: "Photo storytelling on the Web"
Readings for Class: Chapter 8 of Briggs
San Francisco State Golden Gate Xpress
Audio Slide Shows with Microsoft Photo Story
Soundslides Tutorial
And Another Tutorial
Or just flickr it in five frames
Lab: Continue working on Reporting Assignment

Monday, March 9

Class: “Online Writing Styles, Hooking and Keeping Readers”
Readings for Class: Writing style for print vs. Web

Review for Mid-Term Exam
Lab: Editing project

Wednesday, March 11
Class: Mid-term essay exam on blogs, citizen journalism, convergence, and online news reporting and writing

Monday, March 23
Class: Work on all aspects of Individual Multi-Media Reporting Project
Lab: Feedback and work on written and audio drafts, which are due at beginning of class

Wednesday, March 25
Lab: Finish and post reporting projects on blog site