Thursday, August 23, 2007

Blogs up and running

Seventeen of the 18 students in this class have written their introductory posts for the regular blog requirement. The students will begin twice-a-week journalistic blogging on a variety of topics beginning Sept. 4.

Here are the students (click on the name to access the blog):

Ben Aaker, Mike Albert, Sarah Bauer, Maggie Canty, Jeff Dillon, Nick Hubel, Melanie Huntrods, Brandon Lowrey, Tara Marquis, Ted Mast, Matt Pucak, Justin Roush, Sean Star, Candace Taylor, Chad Taylor, Laura Waldchen and David Welch.

Also, check out Aaron Rognstad and Marcella Burg.

If you're in the class, I later will outline more detailed requirements for your regular posts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's my blog. It's gonna be a popular destination.
